Create an IVR

The UC-Line Portal allows you to send a call to an IVR (Interactive Voice Response), otherwise known as an Auto Attendant. The IVR allows up to 9 options with multiple layers for each option.

IVR Configuration

From the UC-Line Dashboard, click the Phone Icon followed by Callflow submenu. Ring Click on [Create New Callflow +] which will bring you to the Callflow Designer section, from here drag the [Menu] element from the list of Elements into the Callflow Designer.

Add an Audio File

Audio File

    • Click on the [...] icon on the [Menu] element, followed by Settings. Audio Settings
    • The Menu Element Settings allows you to add and configure behaviour of your media files.

Create an IVR

1. Media to play Choose from a dropdown menu of your uploaded media library audio files.
2. Description Add a description for easy identification.
3. Add New Media Clicking on [Add New Media +] will show the Media Uploader allowing you to add a new media file for this IVR. The upload should begin immediately, if not please click the [Add Media +] button.
4. Extra Options Clicking on the [>] button to the right of Extra Options will show a choice for Ring Back in Seconds. Here, you can enter the time in seconds that the phone(s) will ring before the Media File plays.
  1. Once you have chosen or uploaded the desired Media File for this IVR please press the [OK ✓] button on the Menu Element Settings pop up to return to the Callflow Designer.

Add IVR Options

Now that you have added the audio file you can begin to add the options to reflect what is on the audio file & direct incoming calls to the relevant parties within your company.

Sample Audio Guide Message “Hi, Welcome to Company X, please listen to the following options carefully. Press 1 for Sales, Press 2 for Technical Support, Press 3 for Training, Press 4 for Administration, Press 5 for Operating Hours, hold the line for all other queries.”

  • Options 1-4 will need a [Ring] Element in the [Menu] Element for each option. IVR
  • Bring up the Ring Element Setting window by clicking the [...] button on the Ring element. Create an IVR
  • From Ring Element Settings, click the Available Groups tab (as highlighted above). Select the group for the current IVR option you’re working on, in this instance Option 1 - Sales. Click the [+] button to move your selected Group (Sales) into the Selected Destinations list. Create an IVR
  • To confirm, click [OK ✓] and repeat the steps for Options Two, Three and Four. Once you have done so the [Menu] element within the Callflow Designer should look like the below: Confirm IVR As you can see above the Ring Elements have changed color as the configuration is completed.
  • Option 5: Drag a [> Play] Element into the Callflow’s [Menu] Element.
  • Click on the [...] button to show the Play Element Settings window. From here, select an uploaded audio file from a drop down menu or click the [Add New Media +] button to upload a new audio file using the Media Uploader. This will be the audio file that has the operating hours explained.
  • Once satisfied you have chosen the correct audio file please select [OK ✓]. Add Media For the final option “ hold the line for all other queries” we are going to use the Timeout option, this direct the caller to a chosen destination after 30 seconds if the caller does not select an option. Generally this will route the caller to all phones or maybe a receptionist.
  • Drag a [Ring] element into the [Menu] element within the Callflow Designer, as before click on the [...] button followed by settings, this will populate the Ring Element Settings section. From the Devices tab we will add the reception device to Selected Destinations by clicking the [+] button beside the device, followed by the [OK ✓] button to confirm. Create an IVR
  • Change the keypad option from 6 to Timeout by clicking the number (6). This will populate Menu Element Option Settings. Check the box beside Timeout to change this from a keypad function to a timeout. Click [OK ✓] to return to the Callflow Designer. Create an IVR

    Your Callflow should look like the image below. Name and describe your Callflow for convenience

    More Layers

Adding More Layers

Adding more IVR layers allows your calls to attempt to reach other end points if unanswered by initial element settings. Try adding a [Voicemail] Element to direct any missed calls to your Voicemail Inbox.

  • Drag the [Voicemail] Element into the Menu element within the Callflow Designer for each menu option you wish to have a voicemail box for the caller.
  • Click on the [...] button to populate the Voicemail Element Settings section, from the dropdown select the applicable Voicemail Box for the IVR option, click the [OK ✓] button once satisfied with your choice. Create an IVR
  • Add the [Voicemail] element to the remaining IVR options (or any other elements you may wish to add) once satisfied with your new IVR click [Save]. Finish by linking this Callflow to a number. Voicemail ELements