
The [Paging] Callflow element allows you to broadcast to multiple Users, Devices and/or Groups simultaneously, much like a PA system.

Similar to creating a [Ring] Callflow, [Paging] is set up by adding the Users, Devices and/or Groups you wish to reach when dialing an internal extension. When the linked extension is dialed, phones are answered automatically enabling the caller to broadcast a message to a user or team. Paging only functions through standard devices and does not function using the mobile phone application nor SIP trunks, however the mobile phone application can initiate a page.

Customizing Paging

To configure [Paging], visit the Callflow section of the Portal (Devices -> Callflows) and click on the [Create New Callflow +] button and drag the [Paging] Element into the Callflow Designer.

Clicking the [...] on the [Paging] Element then Settings, which will reveal additional settings as seen below.

1. PIN Enter a pin here which will be requested when the extension linked to the [Paging] Element is dialed, preventing unauthorized Users from using this feature.
2. Display Name Enter here what you wish to be displayed on the destination devices when they receive a Page.
3. Destinations From here you can choose the Users, Devices or Groups you wish to add as a destination endpoint for Paging by clicking the [+] button.
4. Selected Destinations Any chosen endpoints will appear here.
5. Extra Options
Media Clicking the [v] will reveal a media dropdown where you can choose from existing audio files you have added to the Portal. This will play to the endpoints before the broadcaster begins speaking, alternatively you can add a new Media File by clicking [Add New Media +]. Media files will play to their completion, even if the initiator hangs up.
Accessible From Off Net When enabled & the [Paging] Element is linked to an Internal Number the Paging feature can be accessed from an off-net device such as your mobile phone or outside party.
Bypass Call Protection By default, users that are on a call do not receive a page. When on, all users on devices that are compatible with paging and registered will receive the page, regardless of their call status. This can be useful for emergency announcements.

Once you are satisfied with your configuration, click [OK ✓] to return to Callflow Designer, followed by [Save] once you have given your [Paging] Element a name / description. Link your [Paging] callflow to an unused Internal Extension Number to finish your configuration.

Making a Page

To make a page, simply dial the extension number you linked the paging callflow to, enter your PIN code if required, wait for any media file to play, and make your announcement.